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Confirmed nominees for next years board of directors



♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Vice President  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦



♦ Open for Nominations ♦



♦ Open for Nominations ♦



♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Membership Chair  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Test Chair  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Technology Services:  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Volunteer Chair  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Fundraising and Club Store Chair  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Social Media Coordinator / Jr. Board Advisor  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦


  Coach Liaison and Show Director (must be a coach)  

♦ Open for Nominations ♦






Utah Figure Skating Club

Promote  ♦  Develop  ♦  Educate   ♦   Support

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