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Kelsey Ward

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Professional Profile:
I eat, breathe, and sleep-talk ice skating! I was a competitive figure skater for 9 years. I first stepped on the ice at age 10. I competed and performed for many years in local, regional, and national competitions. I've become who I am today with a great family and my dedication to skating. When I skate for an audience I give everything I have. I put that same love and emotion into my coaching every day. When I'm not in a freezing ice rink, you'll usually find me at home with my husband Taylor and my 4 daughters Aunalee, Mirette, Adaline, and Rosalie. I enjoy being outside with my family on hikes or bike rides. And you can often find me watching a good chick flick! One day I hope to see Switzerland.

Formal Education:
Utah State University - Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education

Coaching Philosophy:
 I take young skaters and transform them into graceful, competent, and competitive athletes. I treat each student as my own child and we laugh, cry, talk, share, and work hard as a team. 


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